Mind Body Spirit


Life can be a beautiful experience at times and other times we are challenged by what life throws at us. It is easy to get out of balance. Whether it is an injury, a major change or shift in our personal lives, or a state of dis-ease in mind, body, spirit. Each of us has unique healing capabilities inside that can lay dormant or unexplored. Often all we need is support in the process of learning and exploring our own depths. I see myself as a facilitator on your path. A guide and teacher (but definitely not your guru), a fellow human walking with you to discover your truest Self.

The services I offer will help you tune into your own innate abilities to heal and balance your body, mind, and spirit to live a more fulfilling life. I have a large tool box of modalities I’ve learned over the years that we can mix and match to suit your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.


Hello there! My name is Holly…

When I set out to build this site I wanted to create a space to collect all of what I have dedicated my life to for it to be found in one spot. It has posed to be a bigger challenge than I could have imagined. Luckily being human is not a one size fits all situation at any point in time. I have done my best to showcase my work here in this endless hole on the interwebs. Please feel free to contact me if you’re interested in greater detail what it is I do or if you simply need to talk through what you might need. I respond fastest to text message.

With that being said; I am a Yogi (my spiritual beliefs are based in Omnism), a hands on healer, a truth seeker and speaker, a woman seeking all the deep places.

I reside in the grey areas. The spaces between. I lean into being politically homeless and incorrect. I’m often uncouth, or quiet, intense, and silly. I may not be someone easily nailed down or understood. I like to question and get curious. I tend to move away from the status quo. I’ve learned to lean into strengths, set boundaries, and uplift those around me to do the same.

I am a life long learner. I tend to be someone that often digs into new interests that stimulate my mind and my purpose.

What is it that I actually do? Well if you need labels you’ll find them under my services page and I DO hope you take a jaunt over there and check it out!

Ultimately, I believe in treating the whole person.

What does that even look like!? I’ll ask questions about how you’re feeling, where your pains and imbalances are, and offer my intuitive path forward based on what seems good and right to both of us. I also believe that you are your best guide. Therefore, I will help you find your own answers instead of giving them to you or doing it for you. This means you are totally responsible to ask for what you want, need, and desire. If you don’t know you are responsible for asking questions or letting me know you need my guidance. Your healing requires your full commitment. At times I will suggest homework to support you. You must be willing to journey on your own path to growth, health and healing.

Self responsibility is crucial for our work to be beneficial for you.

My goal is that we can be curious together to support you in your most optimum health and wellbeing.

I am simply a guide, a helper on your path. I’m not your guru or your miracle worker (though miracles do happen!). What you believe is possible is what you shall receive in this work or in all things.

Blessings to you! Ah-ho…Namaste

Holly’s many talents are so impactful and life touching. Her healing energy as a yoga instructor enticed me to open up about my chronic pain. Her physical touch consistently proves to be the most effective in relieving pain other professionals can’t. She is so passionate and knowledgeable about human anatomy and her continued education is obvious. She evaluates your being, diving into the emotions that come with or cause physical pain. Her Reiki Energy sessions help me further understand and begin to heal myself. Holly has a way of tapping into your energy and evaluating what you need. She asks the tough questions that we should be asking ourselves. She has opened my mind, heart, and body. Holly has completely changed my life. She is my life coach and I am so thankful for her many trades. I recommend Holly to anyone looking for an educational yoga class, a mentor, a massage therapist, an energy healer, and a passionate leader.
— Melysa W